購物需知 及 產品保養政策 / Shopping Notice & Warranty Policy



*** 請注意: THIS ITEM IS NOT FOR SALES 此項不是銷售產品 *** 購物需知 (Shopping Notice) *********************************** (1) 所有定價均為上門自取價。(All listed prices are in terms of Cash On Delivery) (2) 我們會盡最大努力維持網上貨物的存貨量,但建議顧客在下單/付款前,務必先向我們查詢產品最新存貨情況,以免造成不便。(Product availability is subject to our final confirmation. We welcome your prior inquiry via our email and hotline) (3) 不設口頭留貨。(We would not arrange stock retaining through verbal request) (4) 繳付全單貨款後便能出貨。(Delivery would be arranged once the payment is fully settled) (5) 下單購買即代表已明白及接受此購買須知。(We assume that you are well acknowledged of this Shopping Notice when you’ve placed your order at our store) 訂單確認 (Confirmation of Order) ***************************************** (1) 顧客請於2天內付款,否則將會視作顧客取消訂單。(Order would be expired and not be processed if we do not receive payment from the customer within 2 days) (2) 本公司確認收妥款項後,如有現貨一般會安排於2-3個工作天內出貨(工作天並不包括週六、週日及香港公眾假期)。(We would arrange stock dispatch within 2 to 3 working days once the payment settlement is confirmed *“working day” does not include Saturday, Sunday and public holiday) (3) 如有產品缺貨,我們會於7-14個工作天內寄出產品。(Stock dispatch would be arranged in 7 to 14 working days or earlier, if the product is in short supply) 產品保養政策 (Warranty Policy) *************************************** (A) 7天產品退換條款 (7 Days New Product Replacement): (1) 我們提供7個工作天內產品退換保障於品質出現問題之產品 (不包括人為損壞 或 個人喜好原因)。超過7個工作天後,我們不會接受任何原因的更換要求。(If the product is in physical faulty (DOA), please contact us within 7 working days after your purchase, we would arrange new product replacement (NPR) *this policy does not cover claims attributed to man-made damage or personal feelings/preference; and NPR would be voided if the claim exceeds 7 working days after purchase) (2) 任何香港行貨/有香港保養之產品,將不提供7天產品退換保障,即使收貨時發現問題,顧客均需自攜到相關代理商/原廠商進行保養。(The 7 days NPR policy does not cover products that are with official manufacturer warranty; customer could contact directly with the manufacturer or their official warranty agent(s) for the warranty service) (3) 提出退換產品要求起計7個工作天內,如顧客不能配合本公司回收產品之安排,而導致我們未能回收產品,顧客將被視為放棄該要求而無權再申索。(After customer has contacted us for the NPR, please arrange return of the related product to us within 7 working days; otherwise, the NPR offer would be expired irreversibly) (4) 更換之產品必須連同完整包裝、配件、說明書和附送之贈品(如有)一併退回。(Customer should keep the returned product, its packaging box, all accessories in the box and bundled gift (if any) in good conditions; and then return them all to us for the NPR service) (5) 如產品已停產以致我們無法安排退換,我們將按照顧客購買時之貨物單價於7個工作天內安排退款。(Refund would be arranged within 7 working days as for the NPR service if the supply of the related product is permanently discontinued) (6) 如顧客在安排產品退回時,產品因運送時產生的任何問題包括遺失或損毀,請聯絡有關運送公司作出解決方案。我們不會因此而賠償任何費用或更換產品。(If the returned product is lost or damaged during the delivery process that is arranged by the customer, please contact the related delivery agent for the remedial solution, we would not bear any cost of the induced loss and would not arrange NPR service if we could not receive the returned product) (7) 如產品功能並無問題,而其包裝因運送或存放而產生變形或輕微破損,恕不能按品質問題處理更換。(If the functionality of the product is in good condition; and just little damages on the packaging box that may be caused during transportation and storage, we would not treat this as a DOA. NPR service would not be offered in this case) (B) 30天免費產品售後服務條款 (30 Days Free Warranty): (1) 我們提供30天免費產品售後服務保養 (“30天”包括星期六/日及公眾假期)。顧客購買產品後30天內,如需要可於辦公時間內聯絡我們作免費產品檢查或維修安排。(Within 30 days (incl. Sat/Sun/Public Holidays) after purchase, please feel free to contact us during office hours for free product checking or repair if in need) (2) 30天免費售後服務不覆蓋範圍 (exceptional cases from the 30 Days Free Warranty): 所有跟原廠硬件和軟件無關的問題;所有原廠本身已公開確認的產品問題;有關商品因為液體侵入或潮濕引起的失效和損壞;人為損壞及無損壞發現;有關商品的軟件因為所有「非原廠本身」設定的應用程式或靭體/固件而引致之損壞或失效;產品非官方改裝、程式刷改(rooting)、任何非官方增減改動、產品上之序列或IMEI編碼的撕毀等等。以上情況售後服務即時停止,一概不予受理。有關產品其包裝內之所有配件、產品電源/電池不在免費售後服務範圍內。(Any damages unrelated to manufacturing defects; Any damages/malfunction due to manufacturer’s publicly admitted problems; Product malfunction or damage resulting from liquids or moisture; “Customer Induced Damage” and “No Defect Found” – that we would notify the customer when inspection process is completed; Software defect or damage caused by applications or firm wares which are not compatible with the device (or they do not belong to the device’s original design or settings); Product has been tampered, repaired and/or modified without official permission; Tampering, rooting, modification or removal of the serial number label. All above cases shall have the free warranty service being immediately voided. Accessories including batteries do not carry any warranty) (3) 30天免費產品售後服務期內,顧客所安排產品運回之運費將由我們承擔。但是產品因運送時產生的任何問題包括遺失或損毀,請聯絡有關運送公司作出解決方案。我們不會因此而賠償任何費用或產品。(Within this 30 Days Free Warranty period, shipping cost of product send-back for checking/repairing would be borne by us. Whilst, if the returned product is lost or damaged during the delivery process that is arranged by the customer, please contact the related delivery agent for the remedial solution, we would not bear any cost of the induced loss) (4) 任何香港行貨/有香港保養之產品,顧客均需自攜到相關代理商/原廠商進行保養。(The 30 days Warranty policy does not cover products that are with official manufacturer warranty; customer could contact directly with the manufacturer or their official warranty agent(s) for the warranty service) *** 我們保留最終決定權,以及更改產品保養政策之所有權。(We preserve rights for the final judgement; and any change of our warranty policy at any time without prior notice) ***
